I Crave It

by Trent Lovett


I crave it
But I know I’m better without
it helps me take away the ease
And yet the world still tears apart
I guess nobody seems to understand
What has been done can never change
The actions in past
The scar still in our future
Reminding us it’ll never go away
But we can move on
Leave the mistakes behind and hope it’ll only get better
But most of us know it’ll only seem to get worse
We tell them everything is fine
And they seem to believe the lies
When I get home it never gets better
I fell in love with someone I thought loved me and understood,
Yet just like the others leaving me for someone they thought was good
Now I keep my feelings bundled inside
Not giving away the key,
Afraid to let anybody in
it’ll be to late give them the key
They have already moved one…not worthy of my love
My insides are fragile and seem to be caving in
All the damage only made it thinner and thinner
I began to skip meals and lost track of what I ate
Going days being hungry and backing out cause I was sick
When I tried to eat it would always leave, causing me to get pushed by the breeze
Lighter and lighter as the days went on,
My bones were now clearer and my skin with no pigment
My eyes so dull and legs to weak to go on
But yet I seem to get a boost from nothing telling to continue on
Pushing harder and my life began to rise
My body much stronger and I began to eat
Not causing the pain against my skin and making a difference from where I began
I still feel worthless…
At least I tried to show them I was living and giving it a try
Still forgotten and left behind
The girl cries in the rain so the tear just blend in
The girl who tried so hard but always got pushed
The girl who died trying to live

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